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For divorced women over 50 struggling to create a life They Deserve...

The Greatest Opportunity Of A Lifetime...

“100 Divorced Women's Lives Will Change In 2024...

...And I’m Personally Inviting You To Be One Of Them!”

Join A Small Group Of Divorced Women TODAY... And Finally Create The Life & Freedom You Want!

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Limited Spots Available

If You Want To Rapidly And Sustainably Change Your Life Then my course is the one for you

Apply Here Now

What Is The

Creating the
Life You Desire After Divoce for Women 520+ Program?

The Program is an amazing group of like-minded women who are  doing things NO ONE else is doing... creating the life they desire... and living the life they’ve always wanted!

And I Want YOU To Be Part Of This Exclusive Group!

When You’re Part Of The Family,

We Not Only Mastermind, We Also Form Long-Lasting Relationships And Memories Together!

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Access to the 5 week Course "Living Life With Intention after Divorce for Women 50+"

Living Life with Intention after Divorce is a purpose-driven journey towards personal growth, resilience, and self-discovery post-separation. Embrace a path of empowerment, healing, and intentional living as you navigate life's transitions with courage and grace.

- Module 1 - "Acknowlege Where You Are"
- Module 2 - "Letting Go of the Past"
- Module 3 - "Radical Responsibilty to Yourself"
- Module 4 - "Breaking Your Belief Systems"
- Module 5 - "Keeping the Momentum"

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Weekly Group Coaching

Weekly group coaching sessions offer valuable insights and transformative guidance under the expert leadership of Life Coach Christine Higgins. Together, we'll navigate away from the shadows of infidelity and divorce towards a compelling future, empowering you to create the life you truly desire. Individual coaching tailored to your needs will also be provided during the calls.

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Access to the Private Facebook Group

An online meeting place for likeminded people to meet and share struggles and successes along their journey. 

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Christine Higgins Life Coach, LLC - © 2023 All Rights Reserved